Data Analysis

Moving from analysis using traditional gating techniques to automated and semi- automated methods such as are provided in FIND can be a difficult shift due to the degree of control you give up over how the data is divided into separate clusters or segments. This section will provide an overview of the methods FIND provides for analysis, how to use them, and suggestions on how to proceed given those tools.


Clustering or machine learning describes the process of mathematical analysis of the given data in order to determine groupings of data points (events) that are more similar to each other than to those not in the group. These algorithms are split into two categories based on how they work:

  1. Supervised - Generally require some sort of “training” data where the classification (group) of each point is known ahead of time so the algorithm can use that data to “learn” and be able to predict future datasets.
  2. Unsupervised - Requires no foreknowledge of any kind. Simply attempts to classify data based on mathematical relationships (such as distance) between the input data points.

Clustering with FIND

FIND currently provides two unsupervised clustering methods: k-means and a modified k-means specifically designed for Flow Cytometry data as published by T. Bakker Schut et al. in Cytometry Part A.

All built-in clustering algorithms are available through the Cluster menu. Plugin clustering algorithms are available in the Plugins>>Cluster menu. When you choose an algorithm from the menu, it operates only on the currently selected dataset (bold in the Data Sets subtree; see Introduction section on the User Interface). So make sure the dataset you want to analyze is selected before you run a clustering. When the clustering is completed, a new entry is added as a child of the dataset in the Project tree. The default name is the name of the clustering method and an auto-incremented integer (e.g. k-means 1). Currently you cannot change the name of a clustering entry. Each clustering appears with an expand arrow next to it. Clicking on the arrow will show a text entry underneath the clustering with a list of the options and the values you provided to run that particular clustering instance. This can be useful if you cluster run multiple clusterings, either on the same dataset or different ones, to make sure you used the same settings.


Many clustering methods use random number generation to perform certain aspects of the algorithm such as choosing the initial cluster centers in k-means. This tends not to greatly affect the final results and, for example, in k-means, the user can specify that the algorithm be run multiple times to reduce any potential effect. Ultimately, just be aware that you may not get the exact same results running the same algorithm twice, but there should be no significant difference between runs.

The basic requirement for many unsupervised clustering methods is that you provide the number of desired clusters or groups you want the data to be partitioned into. If your data is fairly well separated/distinguished between different cell types, you may want to enter the number of different types you expect. Often, however, it can be helpful to request a larger number of clusters than cell types that you expect. This can give you a finer understanding of the layout of the data, to which you can apply your domain knowledge to throw away, keep, or combine into larger groups (this tool will be described later) the initially found clusters.

K-Means Clustering

For a description of the operation of the basic k-means algorithm, please see the excellent Wikipedia article. Note that while this algorithm was not designed specifically for Flow Cytometry data, it has been successfully applied to such data (citation).

Below is the options dialog that appears when you select the Cluster>>k-means menu item.

  • Number of clusters - The number of clusters that should be found as the final result of the algorithm
  • Center calculation - The mathematical measure the algorithm should use when determining the cluster center from its members.
  • Number of passes - The algorithm is re-run a number of times specified by this parameter, each time a new set of initial cluster centers are chosen. The results of each run are compared to find the best.
  • Manually select centers - This option allows the user to (in a separate window that pops up) to choose the initial centers of the clusters by clicking within the data space in any set of 2 dimensions. Choosing this parameter will remove the need to specify the number of target clusters as well as the option to re-run multiple times. Consequently, those options are disabled when this option is checked.
  • Apply to current subplot - Upon completion of the clustering, the result will be displayed as a colored scatterplot, replacing the currently selected plot.

Bakker Schut K-Means Clustering

As mentioned earlier, this algorithm was implemented from the description provided in the publication by T. Bakker Schut et al. in Cytometry Part A.

  • Number of final clusters - The number of clusters that should be found as the final result of the algorithm.
  • Number of starting clusters - The algorithm begins by selecting a large number of clusters (200 by default) and iteratively merging those closest together until the specified target number of clusters is acheived. This number affects performance, so if the clustering is running too slowly, decreasing this parameter will help.
  • Apply to current subplot - Upon completion of the clustering, the result will be displayed as a colored scatterplot, replacing the currently selected plot.

Interacting with Clusterings

After running a clustering algorithm on a dataset, FIND provides a number of means to analyze and interact with the clustering. The most basic is visualization of the clustering; these options are discussed in the previous section of this manual. Other options are provided through the Data menu and the context menu available by right-clicking on the clustering item in the Project tree; these options are discussed below.

Clustering Information

The first option available, after plots, in the context menu for clusterings is the Info item. Selecting this option provides a dialog indicating, for each cluster: the color, the percentage of events belonging to that cluster out of the whole for the parent dataset, and the total number of events the percentage translates into.


Isolating Clusters

The next available option through the context menu is Isolate Clusters. This incredibly useful tool allows you to create an entirely new dataset by choosing one or more clusters from the selected clustering. This is accomplished through the dialog show below:


This dialog is essentially identical to the clustering information dialog, with the added column of checkboxes. Selecting one or more checkboxes will create a new dataset with the selected clusters joined together. Once you select the cluster(s) you want, clicking the OK button will bring up a simple dialog box asking you to give a name to the new dataset. When you type in a name and click OK again, the new dataset will appear as a child in the tree of the dataset it was created from (parent dataset).


As mentioned in the Data section, datasets which represent isolated clusters can be exported as external files to disk, allowing visualization and analysis of clusters in other programs.

Recoloring Clusterings

As discussed earlier, there is some randomness in certain clustering algorithms. For example, the initial cluster centers may be chosen randomly. These centers move around as the algorithm progresses, but their order determines the color the cluster is represented by. Thus, even if two runs of the same algorithm produce the same clusters for a dataset, the order they are presented in may be different. The results are identical, but they are presented to the user in different colors, making it more difficult to do comparative analysis. The Data>>Recolor Clusters menu action provides a means to fix this problem.


In the dialog shown above, select the two clusterings you are interested in. FIND then compares each of the clusters between the two selected items to determine the cluster pairs that are most similar. The clusters are then reordered such that those most similar have the same color. The following two images illustrate this exact point. Two clusterings of the same data produce three clusters with the exact same percentage breakdown, but the blue and red clusters appear to be switched. After recoloring, in the second image, the clusters are ordered correctly as can be seen in both sets of graphs.
